martes, 26 de enero de 2010

ISO 639 macrolanguage

ISO 639

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ISO 639-3 is an international standard for language codes. In defining some of its language codes, some are defined as macrolanguages covering either significantly different dialects or a net of very closely related languages. There are fifty-six languages in ISO 639-2 that are considered to be macrolanguages in ISO 639-3. [1] The use of this category of macrolanguage has been applied in the Ethnologue 16th edition.[2].

Some of the macrolanguages had no individual language as defined by 639-3 in ISO 639-2, e.g. 'ara'. Others like 'nor' had their two individual parts (nno, nob) already in 639-2. That means some languages (e.g. 'arb') that were considered by ISO 639-2 to be dialects of one language ('ara') are now in ISO 639-3 in certain contexts considered to be individual languages themselves. This is an attempt to deal with varieties that may be linguistically distinct from each other, but are treated by their speakers as forms of the same language, e.g. in cases of diglossia. For example,

  • Generic Arabic, 639-2 [3]
  • Standard Arabic, 639-3 [4]

[edit] Types of macrolanguages

  • elements that have no ISO 639-2 code: Only one element: hbs
  • elements that have no ISO 639-1 code: several
  • elements that have two ISO 639-2 codes: fas, msa, sqi, zho
  • elements whose individual languages have ISO 639-1 codes:
    • nor with nn and nb
    • hbs with hr, bs, sr

[edit] List of macrolanguages

This list only includes official data from

ISO 639-1 ↓ ISO 639-2 ↓ ISO 639-3 ↓ Number of individual languages ↓ Name of Macrolanguage ↓
ak aka aka 2 Akan language
ar ara ara 30 Arabic language
ay aym aym 2 Aymara language
az aze aze 2 Azerbaijani language
(-) bal bal 3 Baluchi language
(-) bik bik 5 Bikol language
(-) bua bua 3 Buriat language
(-) chm chm 2 Mari language (Russia)
cr cre cre 6 Cree language
(-) del del 2 Delaware language
(-) den den 2 Slave language (Athapascan)
(-) din din 5 Dinka language
(-) doi doi 2 Dogri language (macro)
et est est 2 Estonian language
fa fas/per fas 2 Persian language
ff ful ful 9 Fulah language
(-) gba gba 5 Gbaya language (Central African Republic)
(-) gon gon 2 Gondi language
(-) grb grb 5 Grebo language
gn grn grn 5 Guaraní language
(-) hai hai 2 Haida language
sh (-) hbs 3 Serbo-Croatian language
(-) hmn hmn 21 Hmong language
iu iku iku 2 Inuktitut language
ik ipk ipk 2 Inupiaq language
(-) jrb jrb 5 Judeo-Arabic languages
kr kau kau 3 Kanuri language
(-) kok kok 2 Konkani language (generic)
kv kom kom 2 Komi language
kg kon kon 3 Kongo language
(-) kpe kpe 2 Kpelle language
ku kur kur 3 Kurdish language
(-) lah lah 8 Lahnda language
(-) man man 7 Mandingo language
mg mlg mlg 10 Malagasy language
mn mon mon 2 Mongolian language
ms msa/may msa 13 Malay language (generic)
(-) mwr mwr 6 Marwari language
no nor nor 2 Norwegian language
oj oji oji 7 Ojibwa language
om orm orm 4 Oromo language
ps pus pus 3 Pushto language
qu que que 44 Quechua language
(-) raj raj 6 Rajasthani language
(-) rom rom 7 Romany language
sq sqi/alb sqi 4 Albanian language
sc srd srd 4 Sardinian language
sw swa swa 2 Swahili language (macrolanguage)
(-) syr syr 2 Syriac language
(-) tmh tmh 4 Tamashek language
uz uzb uzb 2 Uzbek language
yi yid yid 2 Yiddish language
(-) zap zap 58 Zapotec language
za zha zha 2 Zhuang language
zh zho/chi zho 13 Chinese language

[edit] List of macrolanguages and the individual languages

[edit] aaa–ezz

[edit] aka

aka is the ISO 639-3 language code for Akan. Its ISO 639-1 code is ak. There are 2 individual language codes assigned:

  1. fatFanti
  2. twiTwi

[edit] ara

ara is the ISO 639-3 language code for Arabic language. Its ISO 639-1 code is ar. There are 30 individual language codes assigned.

  1. aaoAlgerian Saharan Arabic
  2. abhTajiki Arabic
  3. abvBaharna Arabic
  4. acmMesopotamian Arabic
  5. acqTa'izzi-Adeni Arabic
  6. acwHijazi Arabic
  7. acxOmani Arabic
  8. acyCypriot Arabic
  9. adfDhofari Arabic
  10. aebTunisian Arabic
  11. aecSaidi Arabic
  12. afbGulf Arabic
  13. ajpSouth Levantine Arabic
  14. apcNorth Levantine Arabic
  15. apdSudanese Arabic
  16. arbStandard Arabic
  17. arqAlgerian Arabic
  18. arsNajdi Arabic
  19. aryMoroccan Arabic
  20. arzEgyptian Arabic
  21. auzUzbeki Arabic
  22. avlEastern Egyptian Bedawi Arabic
  23. ayhHadrami Arabic
  24. aylLibyan Arabic
  25. aynSanaani Arabic
  26. aypNorth Mesopotamian Arabic
  27. bbzBabalia Creole Arabic
  28. pgaSudanese Creole Arabic
  29. shuChadian Arabic
  30. sshShihhi Arabic

[edit] aym

aym is the ISO 639-3 language code for Aymara. Its ISO 639-1 code is ay. There are 2 individual language codes assigned:

  1. ayrCentral Aymara
  2. aycSouthern Aymara

[edit] aze

aze is the ISO 639-3 language code for Azerbaijani. Its ISO 639-1 code is az. There are 2 individual language codes assigned:

  1. azjNorth Azerbaijani
  2. azbSouth Azerbaijani

[edit] bal

bal is the ISO 639-3 language code for Baluchi. There are 3 individual language codes assigned:

  1. bgpEastern Balochi
  2. bccSouthern Balochi
  3. bgnWestern Balochi

[edit] bik

bik is the ISO 639-3 language code for Bikol. There are 5 individual language codes assigned:

  1. bhkAlbay Bicolano
  2. bclCentral Bicolano
  3. btoIriga Bicolano
  4. ctsNorthern Catanduanes Bicolano
  5. blnSouthern Catanduanes Bicolano

[edit] bua

bua is the ISO 639-3 language code for Buriat. There are 3 individual language codes assigned:

  1. bxuChina Buriat
  2. bxmMongolia Buriat
  3. bxrRussia Buriat

[edit] chm

chm is the ISO 639-3 language code for Mari, a language located in Russia. There are 2 individual language codes assigned:

  1. mhrEastern Mari
  2. mrjWestern Mari

[edit] cre

cre is the ISO 639-3 language code for Cree. Its ISO 639-1 code is cr. There are 6 individual language codes assigned:

  1. crmMoose Cree
  2. crlNorthern East Cree
  3. crkPlains Cree
  4. crjSouthern East Cree
  5. cswSwampy Cree
  6. cwdWoods Cree

In addition, there are 6 closely associated individual codes.

  1. nskNaskapi (part of the Cree language group but not included under the cre macrolanguage designation)
  2. moeMontagnais (part of the Cree language group but not included under the cre macrolanguage designation)
  3. atjAtikamekw (part of the Cree language group but not included under the cre macrolanguage designation)
  4. crgMichif language (Cree-French mixed language with strong influences from Ojibwe language group and not included under the cre macrolanguage designation)
  5. ojsOjibwa, Severn (Ojibwa, Northern) (part of the Ojibwa language group with strong influences from the Cree language group and not included under the cre macrolanguage designation)
  6. ojwOjibwa, Western (part of the Ojibwa language group with strong influences from the Cree language group and not included under the cre macrolanguage designation)

In addition, there is 1 other language without individual codes closely associated, but not part of, this macrolanguage code.

  1. Bungee language (mixed language of Cree, Ojibwa, French, English, Assiniboine and Scottish Gaelic)

[edit] del

del is the ISO 639-3 language code for Delaware. There are 2 individual language codes assigned:

  1. umuMunsee
  2. unmUnami

[edit] den

den is the ISO 639-3 language code for Slave. There are 2 individual language codes assigned:

  1. scsNorth Slavey
  2. xslSouth Slavey

[edit] din

din is the ISO 639-3 language code for Dinka. There are 5 individual language codes assigned:

  1. dip - Northeastern Dinka
  2. diw - Northwestern Dinka
  3. dib - South Central Dinka
  4. dks - Southeastern Dinka
  5. dik - Southwestern Dinka

[edit] doi

doi is the ISO 639-3 language code for Dogri. There are 2 individual language codes assigned:

  1. dgoDogri (individual language)
  2. xnrKangri

[edit] est

est is the ISO 639-3 language code for Estonian. Its ISO 639-1 code is et. There are 2 individual language codes assigned:

  1. ekkEstonian (Standard Estonian)
  2. vroVõro

[edit] faa–jzz

[edit] fas

fas is the ISO 639-3 language code for Persian. Its ISO 639-1 code is fa. There are 2 individual language codes assigned:

  1. prsDari Persian
  2. pesWestern Persian

[edit] ful

ful is the ISO 639-2 and ISO 639-3 language code for Fulah (also spelled Fula). Its ISO 639-1 code is ff. There are 9 individual language codes assigned for varieties of Fulah:

  1. fubAdamawa Fulfulde
  2. fuiBagirmi Fulfulde
  3. fueBorgu Fulfulde
  4. fuqCentral-Eastern Niger Fulfulde
  5. ffmMaasina Fulfulde
  6. fuvNigerian Fulfulde
  7. fucPulaar
  8. fufPular
  9. fuhWestern Niger Fulfulde

[edit] gba

gba is the ISO 639-3 language code for Gbaya located in the Central African Republic. There are 5 individual language codes assigned:

  1. bdtBokoto
  2. gbpGbaya-Bossangoa
  3. gbqGbaya-Bozoum
  4. gyaNorthwest Gbaya
  5. mdoSouthwest Gbaya

[edit] gon

gon is the ISO 639-3 language code for Gondi. There are 2 individual language codes assigned:

  1. gnoNorthern Gondi
  2. ggoSouthern Gondi

[edit] grb

grb is the ISO 639-3 language code for Grebo. There are 5 individual language codes assigned:

  1. gryBarclayville Grebo
  2. grvCentral Grebo
  3. gecGboloo Grebo
  4. gboNorthern Grebo
  5. grjSouthern Grebo

[edit] grn

grn is the ISO 639-3 language code for Guarani. Its ISO 639-1 code is gn. There are 5 individual language codes assigned:

  1. nhdChiripá
  2. guiEastern Bolivian Guaraní
  3. gunMbyá Guaraní
  4. gugParaguayan Guaraní
  5. gnwWestern Bolivian Guaraní

[edit] hai

hai is the ISO 639-3 language code for Haida. There are 2 individual language codes assigned:

  1. hdnNorthern Haida
  2. haxSouthern Haida

[edit] hbs

hbs is the ISO 639-3 language code for Serbo-Croatian. There are 3 individual language codes assigned:

  1. bosBosnian
  2. hrvCroatian
  3. srpSerbian

[edit] hmn

hmn is the ISO 639-3 language code for Hmong. As of Feb. 2007, 24 individual language codes are included:

  1. hmcCentral Huishui Hmong
  2. hmmCentral Mashan Hmong
  3. cqdChuanqiandian Cluster Miao
  4. hmeEastern Huishui Hmong
  5. hmqEastern Qiandong Hmong
  6. muqEastern Xiangxi Hmong
  7. hmjGe
  8. mwwHmong Daw
  9. hnjHmong Njua
  10. hrmHorned Miao
  11. hmdLarge Flowery Miao
  12. hmlLuopohe Hmong
  13. hujNorthern Guiyang Hmong
  14. hmiNorthern Huishui Hmong
  15. hmpNorthern Mashan Hmong
  16. heaNorthern Qiandong Miao
  17. sfmSmall Flowery Miao
  18. hmySouthern Guiyang Hmong
  19. hmaSouthern Mashan Hmong
  20. hmsSouthern Qiandong Miao
  21. hmgSouthwestern Guiyang Hmong
  22. hmhSouthwestern Huishui Hmong
  23. hmwWestern Mashan Hmong
  24. mmrWestern Xiangxi Miao

[edit] iku

iku is the ISO 639-3 language code for Inuktitut. Its ISO 639-1 code is iu. There are 2 individual language codes assigned:

  1. ikeEastern Canadian Inuktitut
  2. iktWestern Canadian Inuktitut

[edit] ipk

ipk is the ISO 639-3 language code for Inupiaq. Its ISO 639-1 code is ik. There are 2 individual language codes assigned:

  1. esiNorth Alaskan Inupiatun
  2. eskNorthwest Alaska Inupiatun

[edit] jrb

jrb is the ISO 639-3 language code for Judeo-Arabic. There are 5 individual language codes assigned:

  1. yhdJudeo-Iraqi Arabic
  2. ajuJudeo-Moroccan Arabic
  3. yudJudeo-Tripolitanian Arabic
  4. ajtJudeo-Tunisian Arabic
  5. jyeJudeo-Yemeni Arabic

[edit] kaa–ozz

[edit] kau

kau is the ISO 639-2 and ISO 639-3 language code for the Kanuri language. Its ISO 639-1 code is kr. There are 3 individual language codes assigned in ISO 639-3 for varieties of Kanuri:

  1. kncCentral Kanuri
  2. kbyManga Kanuri
  3. krtTumari Kanuri

There are 2 other related languages that are not considered part of the macrolanguage under ISO 639:

  1. bmsBilma Kanuri
  2. kblKanembu

[edit] kln

kln is the ISO 639-3 language code for Kalenjin language. With effective from January 14, 2008, there are 9 individual language codes assigned:

  1. eyoKeiyo
  2. sgcKipsigis
  3. enbMarkweeta
  4. niqNandi
  5. okiOkiek
  6. pkoPökoot
  7. spySabaot
  8. tecTerik
  9. tuyTugen

[edit] kok

kok is the ISO 639-3 language code for Konkani macrolanguage. There are 2 individual language codes assigned.

  1. gomGoan Konkani (has official recognition as an independent language)
  2. knn – Konkani language (no official recognition, treated by some linguists as a dialect of Marathi)

Both languages are referred to as Konkani by their respective speakers.

[edit] kom

kom is the ISO 639-3 language code for Komi. Its ISO 639-1 code is kv. There are 2 individual language codes assigned:

  1. koiKomi-Permyak
  2. kpvKomi-Zyrian

[edit] kon

kon is the ISO 639-3 language code for Kongo. Its ISO 639-1 code is kg. There are 3 individual language codes assigned:

  1. kngKoongo
  2. ldiLaari
  3. kwySan Salvador Kongo

[edit] kpe

kpe is the ISO 639-3 language code for Kpelle language. There are 2 individual language codes assigned.

  1. gkpGuinea Kpelle
  2. xpeLiberia Kpelle

[edit] kur

kur is the ISO 639-3 language code for Kurdish. Its ISO 639-1 code is ku. There are 3 individual language codes assigned:

  1. ckbCentral Kurdish
  2. kmrNorthern Kurdish
  3. sdhSouthern Kurdish

[edit] lah

lah is the ISO 639-3 language code for Lahnda language. There are 8 individual language codes assigned.

  1. jatJakati
  2. xheKhetrani
  3. pmuMirpur Panjabi
  4. hnoNorthern Hindko
  5. phrPahari-Potwari
  6. skrSaraiki
  7. hndSouthern Hindko
  8. pnbWestern Panjabi

Note that lah does not include Panjabi/Punjabi (pan).

[edit] luy

luy is the ISO 639-3 language code for Luyia language. With effective from January 14, 2008, there are 14 individual language codes assigned:

  1. bxkBukusu
  2. nleEast Nyala
  3. idaIdakho (Idakho-Isukha-Tiriki)
  4. lkbKabras
  5. lkoKhayo
  6. lksKisa
  7. ragLogooli
  8. lriMarachi
  9. lrmMarama
  10. nydNyore
  11. lsmSaamia
  12. ltsTachoni
  13. ltoTsotso
  14. lwgWanga

[edit] man

man is the ISO 639-3 language code for Mandingo language. There are 7 individual language codes assigned.

  1. emkEastern Maninkakan
  2. myqForest Maninka
  3. mwkKita Maninkakan
  4. mkuKonyanka Maninka
  5. mnkMandinka
  6. mscSankaran Maninka
  7. mlqWestern Maninkakan

[edit] mlg

mlg is the ISO 639-3 language code for Malagasy. Its ISO 639-1 code is mg. There are 10 individual language codes assigned:

  1. xmvAntankarana Malagasy
  2. bhrBara Malagasy
  3. mshMasikoro Malagasy
  4. bmmNorthern Betsimisaraka Malagasy
  5. pltPlateau Malagasy
  6. skgSakalava Malagasy
  7. bjqSouthern Betsimisaraka Malagasy
  8. tdxTandroy-Mahafaly Malagasy
  9. txyTanosy Malagasy
  10. xmwTsimihety Malagasy

[edit] mon

mon is the ISO 639-3 language code for Mongolian. Its ISO 639-1 code is mn. There are 2 individual language codes assigned:

  1. khkHalh Mongolian
  2. mvfPeripheral Mongolian

[edit] msa

msa is the ISO 639-3 language code for Malay. Its ISO 639-1 code is ms. There are 13 individual language codes assigned:

  1. btjBacanese Malay
  2. bveBerau Malay
  3. bvuBukit Malay
  4. coaCocos Islands Malay
  5. jaxJambi Malay
  6. meoKedah Malay
  7. mqgKota Bangun Kutai Malay
  8. mlyMalay (specific)
  9. xmmManado Malay
  10. maxNorth Moluccan Malay
  11. mfaPattani Malay
  12. msiSabah Malay
  13. vktTenggarong Kutai Malay

[edit] mwr

mwr is the ISO 639-3 language code for Marwari language. There are 6 individual language codes assigned.

  1. dhdDhundari
  2. rwrMarwari (India)
  3. mveMarwari (Pakistan)
  4. wryMerwari
  5. mtrMewari
  6. swvShekhawati

[edit] nor

nor is the ISO 639-3 language code for Norwegian. Its ISO 639-1 code is no. There are 2 individual language codes assigned:

  1. nobNorwegian Bokmål
  2. nnoNorwegian Nynorsk

[edit] oji

oji is the ISO 639-3 language code for the Anishinaabe languages, commonly called the Ojibwe language group. Its ISO 639-1 code is oj. There are 7 individual language codes assigned:

  1. ciwChippewa (Ojibwa, Southwestern)
  2. ojbOjibwa, Northwestern
  3. ojcOjibwa, Central
  4. ojgOjibwa, Mississaga (Ojibwa, Eastern)
  5. ojsOjibwa, Severn (Ojibwa, Northern)
  6. ojwOjibwa, Western
  7. otwOttawa

In addition, there are 3 closely associated individual codes.

  1. alqAlgonquin language (part of the Ojibwe language group but not included under the oji macrolanguage designation)
  2. potPotawatomi language (formerly part of the Ojibwe language group and not included under the oji macrolanguage designation)
  3. crgMichif language (Cree-French mixed language with strong influences from Ojibwe language group and not included under the oji macrolanguage designation)

In addition, there are 2 other languages without individual codes closely associated, but not part of, this macrolanguage code.

  1. Broken Ojibwa (pidgin language used until the end of the 19th century)
  2. Bungee language (mixed language of Cree, Ojibwa, French, English, Assiniboine and Scottish Gaelic)
[edit] See also

[edit] orm

orm is the ISO 639-3 language code for Oromo language. Its ISO 639-1 code is om. There are 4 individual language codes assigned:

  1. gaxBorana-Arsi-Guji Oromo
  2. haeEastern Oromo
  3. orcOrma
  4. gazWest Central Oromo

[edit] paa–zzz

[edit] pus

pus is the ISO 639-3 language code for Pushto language. Its ISO 639-1 code is ps. There are 3 individual language codes assigned.

  1. pstCentral Pashto
  2. pbuNorthern Pashto
  3. pbtSouthern Pashto

[edit] que

que is the ISO 639-3 language code for Quechua. Its ISO 639-1 code is qu. As of April 2007 there are 44 individual language codes assigned for Quechua varieties.

  1. qvaAmbo-Pasco Quechua
  2. qxuArequipa-La Unión Quechua
  3. quyAyacucho Quechua
  4. qvcCajamarca Quechua
  5. qvlCajatambo North Lima Quechua
  6. qudCalderón Highland Quichua
  7. qxrCañar Highland Quichua
  8. qukChachapoyas Quechua
  9. cquChilean Quechua
  10. qugChimborazo Highland Quichua
  11. qxcChincha Quechua
  12. qxaChiquián Ancash Quechua
  13. qwcClassical Quechua
  14. qwaCorongo Ancash Quechua
  15. quzCusco Quechua
  16. qveEastern Apurímac Quechua
  17. qubHuallaga Huánuco Quechua
  18. qvhHuamalíes-Dos de Mayo Huánuco Quechua
  19. qwhHuaylas Ancash Quechua
  20. qvwHuaylla Wanca Quechua
  21. qviImbabura Highland Quichua
  22. qxwJauja Wanca Quechua
  23. qufLambayeque Quechua
  24. qvjLoja Highland Quichua
  25. qvmMargos-Yarowilca-Lauricocha Quechua
  26. qvoNapo Lowland Quechua
  27. qulNorth Bolivian Quechua
  28. qvnNorth Junín Quechua
  29. qxnNorthern Conchucos Ancash Quechua
  30. qvzNorthern Pastaza Quichua
  31. qvpPacaraos Quechua
  32. qxhPanao Huánuco Quechua
  33. qxpPuno Quechua
  34. qxlSalasaca Highland Quichua
  35. qvsSan Martín Quechua
  36. qxtSanta Ana de Tusi Pasco Quechua
  37. qusSantiago del Estero Quichua
  38. qwsSihuas Ancash Quechua
  39. quhSouth Bolivian Quechua
  40. qxoSouthern Conchucos Ancash Quechua
  41. qupSouthern Pastaza Quechua
  42. quwTena Lowland Quichua
  43. qurYanahuanca Pasco Quechua
  44. quxYauyos Quechua

[edit] raj

raj is the ISO 639-3 language code for Rajasthani language. There are 6 individual language codes assigned.

  1. bgqBagri
  2. gdaGade Lohar
  3. gjuGujari
  4. hojHadothi
  5. mupMalvi
  6. wbrWagdi

[edit] rom

rom is the ISO 639-3 language code for Romany language. There are 7 individual language codes assigned.

  1. rmnBalkan Romani
  2. rmlBaltic Romani
  3. rmcCarpathian Romani
  4. rmfKalo Finnish Romani
  5. rmoSinte Romani
  6. rmyVlax Romani
  7. rmwWelsh Romani

In addition, there are 8 individual codes not part of this macrolanguage but they are categorized as mixed languages.

  1. rgeRomano-Greek
  2. rmdTraveller Danish
  3. rmeAngloromani
  4. rmgTraveller Norwegian
  5. rmiLomavren
  6. rmrCaló
  7. rmuTavringer Romani
  8. rsbRomano-Serbian

In addition, there is a language without an individual code assigned, which it is not part of this macrolanguage.

  1. Erromintxela (Basque-Romani mix)

[edit] sqi

sqi is the ISO 639-3 language code for Albanian. Its ISO 639-1 code is sq. As of June 2006 there are 4 individual language codes assigned for Albanian languages:

  1. aaeArbëreshë Albanian
  2. aatArvanitika Albanian
  3. alnGheg Albanian
  4. alsTosk Albanian

[edit] srd

srd is the ISO 639-3 language code for Sardinian language. Its ISO 639-1 code is sc. There are 4 individual language codes assigned.

  1. sroCampidanese
  2. sdnGallurese
  3. srcLogudorese
  4. sdcSassarese

[edit] swa

swa is the ISO 639-3 language code for Swahili. Its ISO 639-1 code is sw. There are 2 individual language codes assigned:

  1. swcCongo Swahili
  2. swhSwahili

[edit] syr

syr is the ISO 639-3 language code for Syriac language. There are 2 individual language codes assigned.

  1. aiiAssyrian Neo-Aramaic
  2. cldChaldean Neo-Aramaic

[edit] tmh

tmh is the ISO 639-3 language code for Tamashek language. There are 4 individual language codes assigned.

  1. thvTahaggart Tamahaq
  2. taqTamasheq
  3. ttqTawallammat Tamajaq
  4. thzTayart Tamajeq

[edit] uzb

uzb is the ISO 639-3 language code for Uzbek language. Its ISO 639-1 code is uz. There are 2 individual language codes assigned.

  1. uznNorthern Uzbek language
  2. uzsSouthern Uzbek language

[edit] yid

yid is the ISO 639-3 language code for Yiddish language. Its ISO 639-1 code is yi. There are 2 individual language codes assigned.

  1. yddEastern Yiddish
  2. yihWestern Yiddish

[edit] zap

zap is the ISO 639-3 language code for Zapotec language. There are 57 individual language codes assigned.

  1. zaqAloápam Zapotec
  2. zpoAmatlán Zapotec
  3. zooAsunción Mixtepec Zapotec
  4. zafAyoquesco Zapotec
  5. zadCajonos Zapotec
  6. zpvChichicapan Zapotec
  7. zpcChoapan Zapotec
  8. zcaCoatecas Altas Zapotec
  9. zpsCoatlán Zapotec
  10. zppEl Alto Zapotec
  11. zteElotepec Zapotec
  12. zpgGuevea De Humboldt Zapotec
  13. ztuGüilá Zapotec
  14. zaiIsthmus Zapotec
  15. zpaLachiguiri Zapotec
  16. zplLachixío Zapotec
  17. ztlLapaguía-Guivini Zapotec
  18. ztpLoxicha Zapotec
  19. zpyMazaltepec Zapotec
  20. zamMiahuatlán Zapotec
  21. zawMitla Zapotec
  22. zpmMixtepec Zapotec
  23. zacOcotlán Zapotec
  24. zaoOzolotepec Zapotec
  25. zpePetapa Zapotec
  26. zpjQuiavicuzas Zapotec
  27. ztqQuioquitani-Quierí Zapotec
  28. zarRincón Zapotec
  29. ztmSan Agustín Mixtepec Zapotec
  30. zpxSan Baltazar Loxicha Zapotec
  31. zabSan Juan Guelavía Zapotec
  32. zpfSan Pedro Quiatoni Zapotec
  33. zptSan Vicente Coatlán Zapotec
  34. ztnSanta Catarina Albarradas Zapotec
  35. zpnSanta Inés Yatzechi Zapotec
  36. zpiSanta María Quiegolani Zapotec
  37. zprSantiago Xanica Zapotec
  38. zasSanto Domingo Albarradas Zapotec
  39. zaaSierra de Juárez Zapotec
  40. zpdSoutheastern Ixtlán Zapotec
  41. zsrSouthern Rincon Zapotec
  42. zatTabaa Zapotec
  43. zttTejalapan Zapotec
  44. zpzTexmelucan Zapotec
  45. ztsTilquiapan Zapotec
  46. zpkTlacolulita Zapotec
  47. zphTotomachapan Zapotec
  48. zaxXadani Zapotec
  49. ztgXanaguía Zapotec
  50. zpuYalálag Zapotec
  51. zaeYareni Zapotec
  52. ztyYatee Zapotec
  53. zavYatzachi Zapotec
  54. zpbYautepec Zapotec
  55. ztxZaachila Zapotec
  56. zpwZaniza Zapotec
  57. zpqZoogocho Zapotec

In addition, there is an individual code not part of this macrolanguage because it is categorized as a historical language.

  1. xzpAncient Zapotec

[edit] zha

zha is the ISO 639-3 language code for Zhuang language. Its ISO 639-1 code is za. There are 16 individual language codes assigned.

  1. zchCentral Hongshuihe Zhuang
  2. zhdDai Zhuang
  3. zehEastern Hongshuihe Zhuang
  4. zgbGuibei Zhuang
  5. zgnGuibian Zhuang
  6. zlnLianshan Zhuang
  7. zljLiujiang Zhuang
  8. zlqLiuqian Zhuang
  9. zgmMinz Zhuang
  10. zhnNong Zhuang
  11. zqeQiubei Zhuang
  12. zygYang Zhuang
  13. zybYongbei Zhuang
  14. zynYongnan Zhuang
  15. zyjYoujiang Zhuang
  16. zzjZuojiang Zhuang

[edit] zho

zho is the ISO 639-3 language code for Chinese. Its ISO 639-1 code is zh. There are 13 individual language codes assigned, some with their own dialects:

  1. cdoMin Dong
  2. cjyJin
  3. cmnMandarin
  4. cpxPuxian Min
  5. czhHuizhou
  6. czoMin Zhong
  7. ganGan
  8. hakHakka
  9. hsnXiang
  10. mnpMin Bei
  11. nanMin Nan
  12. wuuWu
  13. yueYue (Cantonese)

Although the Dungan language (dng) is considered most closely related to Mandarin, it is not listed under Chinese in ISO 639-3 due to separate historical and cultural development (see diasystem).[5]

ISO 639 also lists codes for Old Chinese (och) and Late Middle Chinese (ltc). They are not listed under Chinese in ISO 639-3 because they are categorized as ancient and historical languages, respectively.

[edit] See also

[edit] zza

zza is the ISO 639-3 language code for Zaza language. There are 2 individual language codes assigned.

  1. diqDimli
  2. kiuKirmanjki

[edit] References

  1. ^ "Scope of denotation for language identifiers". SIL International.
  2. ^ Lewis, M. Paul, ed. 2009. Ethnologue. Dallas: SIL International
  3. ^ "Documentation for ISO 639 identifier: ara". SIL International.
  4. ^ "Documentation for ISO 639 identifier: arb". SIL International.
  5. ^ Rimsky-Korsakoff, Svetlana (1967). "Soviet Dungan: The Chinese language of Central Asia. Alphabet, phonology, morphology.". Monumenta Serica 26: 352–421.

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

Categories: ISO 639

De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre

Macrolengua (del inglés macrolanguage), en lingüística, es una categoría introducida por el estándar internacional ISO-639. Generalmente designa a una lengua que existe en forma de diferentes variedades, no necesariamente intercomprensibles, pero que por ciertas razones se consideran formas dialectales de una misma lengua. En sentido lingüístico, muchas veces se refiere a un grupo de varias lenguas estrictamente emparentadas sin tener cada una un nombre específico y que por motivos culturales, religiosos, etc. se consideran, sin embargo, una sola lengua. Algunas veces se emplea el término refiriéndose a diglosia: cuando existen varias hablas derivadas de una lengua más antigua o «clásica», pero que ésta sigue estando en uso para facilitar la comuniación entre los hablantes de las variedades populares. Son macrolenguas, por ejemplo: el árabe, el chino, el náhuatl, quechua, el sardo y varias lenguas indígenas del mundo. Las macrolenguas son registradas y catalogadas por la organización SIL International.


Lista de macrolenguas [editar]

Árabe dialectal.
Dialectos chinos.
Distribución geográfica de las principales divisiones de la familia quechua.
Mapa dialectal del Inuktitut

Esta lista sólo incluye datos específicos del SIL:

ISO 639-1 ↓ ISO 639-2 ↓ ISO 639-3 ↓ Número de variantes ininteligibles ↓ Nombre de la macrolengua ↓
ak aka aka 2 idioma akan
ar ara ara 30 idioma árabe
ay aym aym 2 aymara
az aze aze 2 azerbaiyano
(-) bal bal 3 idioma baluchi
(-) bik bik 5 lenguas bikol
(-) bua bua 3 idioma buriato
(-) chm chm 2 idioma mari (Rusia)
cr cre cre 6 idioma cree
(-) del del 2 idioma delaware
(-) den den 2 idioma slave (Atapascano)
(-) din din 5 idioma dinka
(-) doi doi 2 idioma dogri (macro)
fa fas/per fas 2 idioma persa
ff ful ful 9 idioma fula
(-) gba gba 5 idioma gbaya (RCF)
(-) gon gon 2 idioma gondi
(-) grb grb 5 idioma grebo
gn grn grn 5 guaraní
(-) hai hai 2 idioma haida
sh (-) hbs 3 idioma serbocroata
(-) hmn hmn 21 idioma hmong
iu iku iku 2 idioma inuktitut
ik ipk ipk 2 idioma inupiaq
(-) jrb jrb 5 lenguas judeo-arábigas
kr kau kau 3 Kanuri
(-) kok kok 2 Konkani (genérico)
kv kom kom 2 idioma komi
kg kon kon 3 idioma kongo
(-) kpe kpe 2 idoma kpelle
ku kur kur 3 idioma kurdo
(-) lah lah 8 idioma lahnda
(-) man man 7 idioma mandinga
mg mlg mlg 10 malgache
mn mon mon 2 idioma mongol
ms msa/may msa 13 idioma malayo (genérico)
(-) mwr mwr 6 idioma marwari
(-) nah nah 28 idioma náhuatl
no nor nor 2 idioma noruego
oc oci oci 5 occitano (post 1500); Provenzal
oj oji oji 7 idioma ojibwa
om orm orm 4 idioma oromo
ps pus pus 3 pastún
qu que que 44 quechua
(-) raj raj 6 idioma rajastaní
(-) rom rom 7 idioma romaní
sq sqi/alb sqi 4 idioma albanés
sc srd srd 4 idioma sardo
sw swa swa 2 Idioma swahili
(-) syr syr 2 siríaco
(-) tmh tmh 4 idioma tamashek
uz uzb uzb 2 idioma uzbeko
yi yid yid 2 idioma yidis
(-) zap zap 58 idioma zapoteco
za zha zha 2 idioma zhuang
zh zho/chi zho 13 idioma chino

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Categoría: Lenguas

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